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Sunday, August 7, 2016

What Did I Give up for Marriage?

I was married at the very young age of 18. Yes, I know that is very young, but it doesn't necessarily break a record. I've also been called "crazy" I knew that so it doesn't matter if you continue to call me that. I got told all sorts of things like:

"You barely graduated high school" which is not true because I took my GED.

"Are you even old enough to sign a marriage license?"

"You are basically still a child, you don't know what true love is"

And my favorite: "How do you know he is the one you want, you haven't dated enough to actually know what you want."

This is what I truly gave up for my marriage:

My Heart: The moment I said I do my heart was no longer mine. I gave it to another imperfect human to help me soar or to completely destroy my hopes and dreams.

My Privacy: I went home in his car on Sept 3, for us to finally live together, as he was living in a dorm,  and we finally no longer had privacy. I was know breathing someone else's air, in someone else's bed, and essentially now his.

My Name: The name I had been known by my entire 18 years prior, I gave it up and now I'm known by his name. And so will my children be known by his last name. Giving it up was one of the best things I've ever done.

My Secrets: Giving up my weaknesses, my mistakes, my thoughts, and the things I've hidden from the world. He now knows, but he also knows how to help me, and that he chooses to protect me. Someone would know what I needed without actually having been asked. I might have lost all the parts I've hidden about myself, but I have gained a love and understanding from someone else.

My Agenda: I had to cancel most of my plans, rearrange my schedule, and go to the grocery store when the car is available. I would have to cook dinner instead of taking a nap and then realize that as the clock is ticking, I have always had the time, I just squandered it.

Dating: I would give up meeting potential spouses because I have found mine. I could have kept looking, but I had found the perfect one in my Rob. I know that though I dated less years than most people, I knew that when I picked him and that is why I picked him. I also would sport around Lularoe instead of dressing up to go on dates. Microwave popcorn instead of movie theater popcorn.

I gave up my time, my need to be always right, my stubbornness (Ask him I'm still stubborn), and my life to him.

YES, I gave up years of my life that I can NEVER get back, but there is a difference between you and I. I wouldn't want my old life back, I would rather have this life, then anything else and I don't regret one second of it.

If anything I would rather have started this journey called marriage sooner. Nothing that I have done or could ever do has filled me with this much joy, love, peace, and happiness. It is way harder than any book could predict but I'm glad. It has taken out the rough spots and given me the chance to give up some tv time and clean the bathroom.

If I were given the choice, I would do it all over again.

I would "give it all up" all over again in a heartbeat.

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