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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Being a "Young" Bride

I was eighteen when I married my husband and he was 23 and in college. Yes, you can gasp if you want to. I have been with him for over four years and we have been married almost four years. We are getting ready to start our family, and we are glad we waited for four years. Because we know each other and I'm getting better at being a housewife. I love staying home full time. I meal plan now, and we stick to budget. If we have extra we get fruit on sale. I am super happy with my life and being married young, but it doesn't come without the questions.

Such as:
1. Did you graduate high school, was your marriage arranged?
2. Where did you two meet and were you pregnant?
3. Why did you get married so young, did you -have- to?
4. What is it like being married so young?
5. Are you sure you are ready to be married?
6. Did you know each other before you got married?
7. Did you have to rush into marriage?
8. Are you going to start a family soon?
9. Are you pregnant?

Those are just some of the questions that I get. And it sucks. It has let up because I've been married such a long time. But in the beginning I got asked all the time... The reasons I got married so young, and if I'm pregnant or anything of that nature is between my husband, me, and God. No body else.

Do we want kids? ABSOLUTELY! But it takes time for people to know each other. Am I happy we waited, yes! I am 22 years old and I have been married to the love of my life since I was 18. When I am 68 I can say I have been married 50 years. Not many can say that. My mother in law is 79 and she has been married for 63 years. Her mom and dad were married 57 years. In his family they are married a long time, in mine too.

For us we could be married 80 years. Marriage is WORK! But if it's hard, then you really aren't doing it right. I am so glad we didn't have the -stress- yes stress of having a child so early in marriage. Four years is a good year for us to start a family. And I cannot wait to be a family of three or maybe four. Baby dust if you will!

Friday, August 24, 2018

I am very much pro life and I am GLAD Trump spoke

When I watched my first March for Life in 2017 I was amazed at how calm they were and how much they love babies. I saw such opposition for abortion, and I agree because I am very pro life. I don't believe in abortions unless medically necessary. 

The next day there was the vagina march, yep I will NEVER call it a "woman's" march. Because women value their children. Women know that their body is not theirs as long as there is another body inside them. I know that I was born to be a mom, and I could NEVER abort a child made by my husband and I, or even one made in a rape.

I refused to watch this years Vagina march. I watched the March for Life but refused to watch the Vagina March. You can believe how you want but when you start rioting then enough is enough. When people can't believe the fair election of a president but forced us to for 8 years prior that's what I call a hypocrite. 

When someone tells me that they are pro life but says that its not their choice to make for another woman then they aren't truly pro life in my opinion. But I won't make anyone feel like they have to keep a baby.

That is my opinion. Take it or leave it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Why the Tax Reform is Good!

I normally don't do politics on my blog, alas its been a year since I wrote on my blog and that's gonna change next year. This is one of those times that it will be necessary for me to do politics on my blog, so here it goes.

I wholeheartedly agree with this tax reform! It helps the poor people immensely! It makes the untaxable income for married people like me go from $12,700 to $24,000 and once you hit that mark, you have to pay on taxes at a 10% rate instead of a 12% rate. Which will save us money. Does it benefit the rich, NO! It benefits corporations, sure BUT all jobs are a corporation... So if you want to keep your job and make more jobs for other people, then corporations MUST reap the benefits as well, that is how the world works!! Might not be fair, or what you think is fair, but it is a must.

Another reason I wholeheartedly believe in the tax reform is it gets rid of that pesky mandate from Obamacare, or as I call it the Unaffordable Healthcare Act. As it has risen 105% in Arizona for the cost of healthcare.. I am so pleased with the Republicans and how they passed it! I prefer to just pay for my healthcare myself. I will be doing a midwife so I will be able to actually just pay for the care.

Since this tax reform my husbands pay has mostly doubled. So yes we absolutely thank Trump, and if you don't then that's on you. We are reaping the benefits of having this tax reform. Thank God Trump is in office and not Clinton.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Farmers Markets and Why you should Absolutely go to them!

I love going to my farmers market. I absolutely do! Like the other day I went to the Farmers Market and learned my favorite farmer and his wife are doing a $25 big box haul for vegetables! That is such a great deal in this economy!
This is NOT my photo, but it is an example of a farmers market. We will be taking full advantage of this. Calling them on Monday, as this blog will go up early Sunday morning and it will be really short, sweet, and to the point. I have a few blogs to get up and they should be up soon, I hope. The farmers market should be the first place you go as they have the freshest everything around. If you are a meat eater, they have the healthiest beef way more than Walmart. I have a meat eater husband so this is something I take full advantage of.

Thank you for stopping by and please look up your local farmers market! Best place to get everything!

Love ya'll

Troian Miller

Thursday, November 10, 2016

2016 Election: It's Over

This blog post is not one I love writing, hell I hate writing it, but it has to be written. This year we had two of the worst choices EVER. If you voted for Trump, congrats you won: get over it. If you voted for Clinton, I'm sorry that you lost but seriously rioting in the street does not show that Love trumps Hate, it actually shows that Hate trumps Love when your candidate looses. I was twelve years old when this country changed forever when it voted in the first Black President and we had to sit and wait to see if he would become a good president, or how he actually became which was the most divider this country has ever seen. No he did not do it alone, he had help from people like Clinton. But this year Trump did most definitely win. Obama won both the popular and electoral college in 2008 but that wasn't the case in 2012.

This blog post is not about how great Trump is, but it is how this country has successfully chosen their president, and how badly people are taken it. Heck colleges are stopping classes to make sure the spoiled children get time to weep.

Right now we need to remember that Jesus Christ is still Lord, and that God is still God.
If you think that beating an old man is OKAY, then you are NOT American. If you think burning the Flag is okay then you are NOT American. If you think that stooping so low, even after Clinton in her concession speech calls for unity, even after President Obama calls for unity and accepts Trump as the new President.

We need to unite a failing country, we need to unite under our President. Remember this: Faithless Electors have never changed the outcome of an election! So when you call for them to, they never ever have! You must accept defeat if it is handed down to you! You can go ahead and unfriend me and you can block me.

We all need to move forward and unite!

Pray for the United States! Pray for President Trump! Pray for Vice President Pence! Pray for America!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

We have Amazing News!

No, not pregnant yet. But my husband has found the work of his dreams. It's using his abilities as an Engineer, and it is moving us to a very small town. We eventually will move closer to the temple, when he moves to the parent company. We have a barbecue on  Saturday to go to, and I will definitely capture some moments and post them here. His company is very small and I'm already in love with the town we will be moving to.

Thats all for today! Saturday will post the pictures.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

What Did I Give up for Marriage?

I was married at the very young age of 18. Yes, I know that is very young, but it doesn't necessarily break a record. I've also been called "crazy" I knew that so it doesn't matter if you continue to call me that. I got told all sorts of things like:

"You barely graduated high school" which is not true because I took my GED.

"Are you even old enough to sign a marriage license?"

"You are basically still a child, you don't know what true love is"

And my favorite: "How do you know he is the one you want, you haven't dated enough to actually know what you want."

This is what I truly gave up for my marriage:

My Heart: The moment I said I do my heart was no longer mine. I gave it to another imperfect human to help me soar or to completely destroy my hopes and dreams.

My Privacy: I went home in his car on Sept 3, for us to finally live together, as he was living in a dorm,  and we finally no longer had privacy. I was know breathing someone else's air, in someone else's bed, and essentially now his.

My Name: The name I had been known by my entire 18 years prior, I gave it up and now I'm known by his name. And so will my children be known by his last name. Giving it up was one of the best things I've ever done.

My Secrets: Giving up my weaknesses, my mistakes, my thoughts, and the things I've hidden from the world. He now knows, but he also knows how to help me, and that he chooses to protect me. Someone would know what I needed without actually having been asked. I might have lost all the parts I've hidden about myself, but I have gained a love and understanding from someone else.

My Agenda: I had to cancel most of my plans, rearrange my schedule, and go to the grocery store when the car is available. I would have to cook dinner instead of taking a nap and then realize that as the clock is ticking, I have always had the time, I just squandered it.

Dating: I would give up meeting potential spouses because I have found mine. I could have kept looking, but I had found the perfect one in my Rob. I know that though I dated less years than most people, I knew that when I picked him and that is why I picked him. I also would sport around Lularoe instead of dressing up to go on dates. Microwave popcorn instead of movie theater popcorn.

I gave up my time, my need to be always right, my stubbornness (Ask him I'm still stubborn), and my life to him.

YES, I gave up years of my life that I can NEVER get back, but there is a difference between you and I. I wouldn't want my old life back, I would rather have this life, then anything else and I don't regret one second of it.

If anything I would rather have started this journey called marriage sooner. Nothing that I have done or could ever do has filled me with this much joy, love, peace, and happiness. It is way harder than any book could predict but I'm glad. It has taken out the rough spots and given me the chance to give up some tv time and clean the bathroom.

If I were given the choice, I would do it all over again.

I would "give it all up" all over again in a heartbeat.