This blog post is not one I love writing, hell I hate writing it, but it has to be written. This year we had two of the worst choices EVER. If you voted for Trump, congrats you won: get over it. If you voted for Clinton, I'm sorry that you lost but seriously rioting in the street does not show that Love trumps Hate, it actually shows that Hate trumps Love when your candidate looses. I was twelve years old when this country changed forever when it voted in the first Black President and we had to sit and wait to see if he would become a good president, or how he actually became which was the most divider this country has ever seen. No he did not do it alone, he had help from people like Clinton. But this year Trump did most definitely win. Obama won both the popular and electoral college in 2008 but that wasn't the case in 2012.
This blog post is not about how great Trump is, but it is how this country has successfully chosen their president, and how badly people are taken it. Heck colleges are stopping classes to make sure the spoiled children get time to weep.
Right now we need to remember that Jesus Christ is still Lord, and that God is still God.
If you think that beating an old man is OKAY, then you are NOT American. If you think burning the Flag is okay then you are NOT American. If you think that stooping so low, even after Clinton in her concession speech calls for unity, even after President Obama calls for unity and accepts Trump as the new President.
We need to unite a failing country, we need to unite under our President. Remember this: Faithless Electors have never changed the outcome of an election! So when you call for them to, they never ever have! You must accept defeat if it is handed down to you! You can go ahead and unfriend me and you can block me.
We all need to move forward and unite!
Pray for the United States! Pray for President Trump! Pray for Vice President Pence! Pray for America!!!
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