This blog post is not one I love writing, hell I hate writing it, but it has to be written. This year we had two of the worst choices EVER. If you voted for Trump, congrats you won: get over it. If you voted for Clinton, I'm sorry that you lost but seriously rioting in the street does not show that Love trumps Hate, it actually shows that Hate trumps Love when your candidate looses. I was twelve years old when this country changed forever when it voted in the first Black President and we had to sit and wait to see if he would become a good president, or how he actually became which was the most divider this country has ever seen. No he did not do it alone, he had help from people like Clinton. But this year Trump did most definitely win. Obama won both the popular and electoral college in 2008 but that wasn't the case in 2012.
This blog post is not about how great Trump is, but it is how this country has successfully chosen their president, and how badly people are taken it. Heck colleges are stopping classes to make sure the spoiled children get time to weep.
Right now we need to remember that Jesus Christ is still Lord, and that God is still God.
If you think that beating an old man is OKAY, then you are NOT American. If you think burning the Flag is okay then you are NOT American. If you think that stooping so low, even after Clinton in her concession speech calls for unity, even after President Obama calls for unity and accepts Trump as the new President.
We need to unite a failing country, we need to unite under our President. Remember this: Faithless Electors have never changed the outcome of an election! So when you call for them to, they never ever have! You must accept defeat if it is handed down to you! You can go ahead and unfriend me and you can block me.
We all need to move forward and unite!
Pray for the United States! Pray for President Trump! Pray for Vice President Pence! Pray for America!!!
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Thursday, October 6, 2016
We have Amazing News!
No, not pregnant yet. But my husband has found the work of his dreams. It's using his abilities as an Engineer, and it is moving us to a very small town. We eventually will move closer to the temple, when he moves to the parent company. We have a barbecue on Saturday to go to, and I will definitely capture some moments and post them here. His company is very small and I'm already in love with the town we will be moving to.
Thats all for today! Saturday will post the pictures.
Thats all for today! Saturday will post the pictures.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
What Did I Give up for Marriage?
"You barely graduated high school" which is not true because I took my GED.
"Are you even old enough to sign a marriage license?"
"You are basically still a child, you don't know what true love is"
And my favorite: "How do you know he is the one you want, you haven't dated enough to actually know what you want."
This is what I truly gave up for my marriage:
My Heart: The moment I said I do my heart was no longer mine. I gave it to another imperfect human to help me soar or to completely destroy my hopes and dreams.
My Privacy: I went home in his car on Sept 3, for us to finally live together, as he was living in a dorm, and we finally no longer had privacy. I was know breathing someone else's air, in someone else's bed, and essentially now his.
My Name: The name I had been known by my entire 18 years prior, I gave it up and now I'm known by his name. And so will my children be known by his last name. Giving it up was one of the best things I've ever done.
My Secrets: Giving up my weaknesses, my mistakes, my thoughts, and the things I've hidden from the world. He now knows, but he also knows how to help me, and that he chooses to protect me. Someone would know what I needed without actually having been asked. I might have lost all the parts I've hidden about myself, but I have gained a love and understanding from someone else.
My Agenda: I had to cancel most of my plans, rearrange my schedule, and go to the grocery store when the car is available. I would have to cook dinner instead of taking a nap and then realize that as the clock is ticking, I have always had the time, I just squandered it.
Dating: I would give up meeting potential spouses because I have found mine. I could have kept looking, but I had found the perfect one in my Rob. I know that though I dated less years than most people, I knew that when I picked him and that is why I picked him. I also would sport around Lularoe instead of dressing up to go on dates. Microwave popcorn instead of movie theater popcorn.
I gave up my time, my need to be always right, my stubbornness (Ask him I'm still stubborn), and my life to him.
YES, I gave up years of my life that I can NEVER get back, but there is a difference between you and I. I wouldn't want my old life back, I would rather have this life, then anything else and I don't regret one second of it.
If anything I would rather have started this journey called marriage sooner. Nothing that I have done or could ever do has filled me with this much joy, love, peace, and happiness. It is way harder than any book could predict but I'm glad. It has taken out the rough spots and given me the chance to give up some tv time and clean the bathroom.
If I were given the choice, I would do it all over again.
I would "give it all up" all over again in a heartbeat.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Veteran's: We do NOT Fear You!
I just read an article in the New York Times about how Veterans now worry that we will fear that all Veterans are killers with PTSD that are going to blow in a moments notice! That is NOT the honest truth. My father in law is a Veteran, does he have PTSD? We don't know. Does he have a violent temper? Yes he does, but not because of the wars he went through. Will he blow? NO! My grandfather served in the Navy. Did he have PTSD? Not that I know of, as I really didn't know him. Did he have a violent temper? I have only heard stories. Did he blow? Again I have heard stories.
Why don't we embrace the veterans? Why don't we HELP them? I read a story, about a man that would catch a ride from his house to Walmart parking lot. He was in a wheelchair, and it took him 45 minutes to get from the end of the Parking Lot to the door. It was summer time and he had stopped behind a car, that was trying to back out but he didn't know, and was catching his breath. A college girl got out and offered to help him. At first he told her no, then with her persistence he said only to the door. She proceeded inside still helping him. She asked for his grocery list once inside, it had only four things on it: Peanut Butter, Soup, Bread, and Bananas. She asked what about: Milk, Eggs, Jelly, etc. He said it would all go bad in the 3+ hours it takes him to get home. She took him to get the milk, eggs, jelly, peanut butter, and bread, and then upped it by paying for his groceries and calling a taxi and giving the taxi driver extra money and asked him to take his stuff in and help put it away. I think she honored that person,that VETERAN, and I think every single one of the Veterans deserves our respect. You can read that article here.
"There is no data that suggests veterans as a whole are more likely to commit crimes. In fact, a number of veterans have noted that while both gunmen had served in the military, so had four of the eight officers who were killed, said Paul Rieckhoff, the founder and chief executive officer of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America." You can read the rest of the article here.
Christ is right here for all of us, extending his hand to those in need. We are all alike to him, Veterans and non Veterans alike. None of us are better than another person. He is always nearby everyone. When we look at another human being like the Veterans worry that we are going to look at veterans, as a whole, differently because the actions of the few.
Why don't we embrace the veterans? Why don't we HELP them? I read a story, about a man that would catch a ride from his house to Walmart parking lot. He was in a wheelchair, and it took him 45 minutes to get from the end of the Parking Lot to the door. It was summer time and he had stopped behind a car, that was trying to back out but he didn't know, and was catching his breath. A college girl got out and offered to help him. At first he told her no, then with her persistence he said only to the door. She proceeded inside still helping him. She asked for his grocery list once inside, it had only four things on it: Peanut Butter, Soup, Bread, and Bananas. She asked what about: Milk, Eggs, Jelly, etc. He said it would all go bad in the 3+ hours it takes him to get home. She took him to get the milk, eggs, jelly, peanut butter, and bread, and then upped it by paying for his groceries and calling a taxi and giving the taxi driver extra money and asked him to take his stuff in and help put it away. I think she honored that person,that VETERAN, and I think every single one of the Veterans deserves our respect. You can read that article here.
"There is no data that suggests veterans as a whole are more likely to commit crimes. In fact, a number of veterans have noted that while both gunmen had served in the military, so had four of the eight officers who were killed, said Paul Rieckhoff, the founder and chief executive officer of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America." You can read the rest of the article here.
Christ is right here for all of us, extending his hand to those in need. We are all alike to him, Veterans and non Veterans alike. None of us are better than another person. He is always nearby everyone. When we look at another human being like the Veterans worry that we are going to look at veterans, as a whole, differently because the actions of the few.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Marriage and Divorce: How do each of them affect friends and family?
Two of my very good friends each tied the knot, but in their own way.
The first got married in a gorgeous backyard wedding. From scrolling through facebook and looking at their photos they had an AMAZING wedding. Watching from a distance you can tell they have loved each other for a very long time and that they will love each other forever. This is a Wedding that I wish that Rob, my husband, and I could've had because it was so gorgeous and it wasn't shut in a courtroom or rushed like ours was.
My second friend Mariah Rushton Mitchell, or as I knew her in the time where she was here as Sister Rushton. She got married as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints expects, in the Temple and for Time and All Eternity. I know her and I know that I definitely miss her, her sweet smile, her willingness to serve to the best of her ability, but I do know that she chooses what is right for her, and Kenyon, if she chose you, you are the one for her! Take care of her, and bring her back to Missouri! One thing I remember about Mariah being here is that I teased her that she would be married in 6 months. Boy was I a little bit off, instead of getting married in exactly 6 months, it was 8 months and 8 days after she got off her mission. So I think I win Mariah! Love you, and can't wait to meet Kenyon! Bring him and your gorgeous self back!
Divorce, it's a very difficult subject, especially in the church. Divorce is not so uncommon nowadays. But it should not be the first option. Marriage should be fought out and tried to be kept so that the ring may not be slipped on and off at will. Marriage is something that needs to be rekindled daily, not yearly. Divorce should only come after you have fought so hard for your Marriage, and you have fought with your spouse, gave and received harsh words, and gotten down on bended knees and begged the Lord for the right answer. In the eyes of so many, I can see that Divorce is so nearby but I have told them to go and beg upon the Lord, and they have come up to me weeks or months later giving me a hug because their marriage was salvaged.
If you are seriously contemplating divorce, please look unto the Lord, both you and your spouse, and take the long road, whether it be Divorce or Marriage. He will help you if you cry out to him. I know that sometimes it is hard to reach out to our Savior and Heavenly Father, but it is worth it. Trust me, my friends, that when you take a knee in humility and you are completely humble you will get the answer that is correct for you whether it is divorce or to fight for your marriage.
This is what gets me through daily and gets my marriage through. Matthew 19:6 What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. God hath joined us together to get us through the easiest time in life, like getting pregnant (and no I'm so not saying it's easy) and the tough, like miscarrying a baby or having a family member dying. Within 3 months of Rob and I getting married, 3 of his family, and now mine as well, had passed away. It was the hardest thing because we were also having a loss of our own, a miscarriage, and it compounded our grief. But nobody said it would be easy. Not one person gave me a book on marriage or told me that we would have grief because of losing a baby. Nobody tells you that, because you have to go through it yourself. You have to take the good with the bad. I hope that me writing this blog will help those out there that are in need of it today! God Bless each and everyone of you!
The first got married in a gorgeous backyard wedding. From scrolling through facebook and looking at their photos they had an AMAZING wedding. Watching from a distance you can tell they have loved each other for a very long time and that they will love each other forever. This is a Wedding that I wish that Rob, my husband, and I could've had because it was so gorgeous and it wasn't shut in a courtroom or rushed like ours was.
My second friend Mariah Rushton Mitchell, or as I knew her in the time where she was here as Sister Rushton. She got married as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints expects, in the Temple and for Time and All Eternity. I know her and I know that I definitely miss her, her sweet smile, her willingness to serve to the best of her ability, but I do know that she chooses what is right for her, and Kenyon, if she chose you, you are the one for her! Take care of her, and bring her back to Missouri! One thing I remember about Mariah being here is that I teased her that she would be married in 6 months. Boy was I a little bit off, instead of getting married in exactly 6 months, it was 8 months and 8 days after she got off her mission. So I think I win Mariah! Love you, and can't wait to meet Kenyon! Bring him and your gorgeous self back!
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No this is not Kenyon and Mariah |
If you are seriously contemplating divorce, please look unto the Lord, both you and your spouse, and take the long road, whether it be Divorce or Marriage. He will help you if you cry out to him. I know that sometimes it is hard to reach out to our Savior and Heavenly Father, but it is worth it. Trust me, my friends, that when you take a knee in humility and you are completely humble you will get the answer that is correct for you whether it is divorce or to fight for your marriage.
This is what gets me through daily and gets my marriage through. Matthew 19:6 What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. God hath joined us together to get us through the easiest time in life, like getting pregnant (and no I'm so not saying it's easy) and the tough, like miscarrying a baby or having a family member dying. Within 3 months of Rob and I getting married, 3 of his family, and now mine as well, had passed away. It was the hardest thing because we were also having a loss of our own, a miscarriage, and it compounded our grief. But nobody said it would be easy. Not one person gave me a book on marriage or told me that we would have grief because of losing a baby. Nobody tells you that, because you have to go through it yourself. You have to take the good with the bad. I hope that me writing this blog will help those out there that are in need of it today! God Bless each and everyone of you!
Thursday, July 7, 2016
What have we been doing since I last Blogged?
I think not blogging is killing me and my love for writing, but I will be blogging as much as possible. I have had many ups and downs, but those are very personal. I remember telling everyone that I got the nexplanon birth control implanted in my arm, well its now gone. My husband and I are currently not going to tell you what happened to cause that, as it is personal as well. I am still in school, but with the April 11, 2016 diagnosis of Diabetes, I've been trying to handle it and get better.
My husband quit his job at Penn, no more stupid job that doesn't pay that much, and he got a job at LMI Aerospace, which he can use his full potential as an Engineer. I'm glad to an Engineer's Wife and have children with him. With his job he is technically a lab tech 1 but he is called upon for everything. He deals with the customers, because he is the only Engineer in the plant, and he checks the chemicals to make sure that they have the correct chemical balance (whatever that means). One thing with bringing a child into this world with him, I know that I won't be alone in raising the child because he will commit 100% of his time when he is home to helping with raising that child and also homeschooling the children when they are school age.
There are reasons on why I am dead set on homeschooling. The school system now days sucks, no offense to anyone that sends their children to school or those that teach, I know that from my inlaws school days (back in the 40's and 50's) to nowadays and the school system has gotten worse with academics. I'm glad I live in a state that allows me to school my children at home without a degree in teaching. My husband's and my knowledge is sufficient to teach our children. All we need to do is purchase the books each year and the curriculum.
We got our pictures taken in April and I will post a few down below that are my personal favorites!
I love my life and I love the fact that this man is mine for all Eternity. Our second anniversary is coming upon us soon and I have an idea of what I'm going to give him as an anniversary present. I can't believe what we have gotten through together. Heartbreak, loss, and we are still together. We have gone through, in the two short years we've been together, what couples in 50 years say they went through after having children.
I've gotten all that Lularoe since January and haven't spent a dime. The two in the upper left corner are small/medium child leggings. I got the blue to match my paradise birds so we have a matching outfit leaving the hospital. I have Road leggings as well. They were being worn in this photo. I have another photo that pictures them. But I think people will get jealous of me.
Lularoe is more than just a fashion statement, its a way of life for me now. I actually love myself, whereas before I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror. Now I know that even though the prints are loud, that I'm being myself. There are 7 of my "unicorns" in there. I call them my unicorns, because only my Space leggings, my yellow birds, my medallions, my clouds, and my roads are really unicorns. I love them, they are so soft. You should try them after reading this blog post! I swear you won't regret it, but your pocket book will. I don't have to go and buy any clothes anymore. I'm glad that I don't have to, because I get to feel good, and save a ton of money.
I have enough time on my hands that I think blogging once a week should be a breeze! This was my catch up blog! Next week I will post another blog, and work on it slowly throughout the week. "See" you next week!
My husband quit his job at Penn, no more stupid job that doesn't pay that much, and he got a job at LMI Aerospace, which he can use his full potential as an Engineer. I'm glad to an Engineer's Wife and have children with him. With his job he is technically a lab tech 1 but he is called upon for everything. He deals with the customers, because he is the only Engineer in the plant, and he checks the chemicals to make sure that they have the correct chemical balance (whatever that means). One thing with bringing a child into this world with him, I know that I won't be alone in raising the child because he will commit 100% of his time when he is home to helping with raising that child and also homeschooling the children when they are school age.
There are reasons on why I am dead set on homeschooling. The school system now days sucks, no offense to anyone that sends their children to school or those that teach, I know that from my inlaws school days (back in the 40's and 50's) to nowadays and the school system has gotten worse with academics. I'm glad I live in a state that allows me to school my children at home without a degree in teaching. My husband's and my knowledge is sufficient to teach our children. All we need to do is purchase the books each year and the curriculum.
We got our pictures taken in April and I will post a few down below that are my personal favorites!
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My favorite person in the whole world and my Eternal Companion. |
I love my life and I love the fact that this man is mine for all Eternity. Our second anniversary is coming upon us soon and I have an idea of what I'm going to give him as an anniversary present. I can't believe what we have gotten through together. Heartbreak, loss, and we are still together. We have gone through, in the two short years we've been together, what couples in 50 years say they went through after having children.
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Lularoe Stash -4 leggings, a Lindsay, a Monroe, and two shirts. |
Lularoe is more than just a fashion statement, its a way of life for me now. I actually love myself, whereas before I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror. Now I know that even though the prints are loud, that I'm being myself. There are 7 of my "unicorns" in there. I call them my unicorns, because only my Space leggings, my yellow birds, my medallions, my clouds, and my roads are really unicorns. I love them, they are so soft. You should try them after reading this blog post! I swear you won't regret it, but your pocket book will. I don't have to go and buy any clothes anymore. I'm glad that I don't have to, because I get to feel good, and save a ton of money.
I have enough time on my hands that I think blogging once a week should be a breeze! This was my catch up blog! Next week I will post another blog, and work on it slowly throughout the week. "See" you next week!
Monday, March 7, 2016
2016 Has Been a Busy Year
Wow, I haven't blogged since the beginning of January. I'm a busy college student and a stay at home wife. I also pay all the bills. I'm super glad that I got the birth control Implant Nexplanon in because it gives my husband and I time to go debt free like we want to. We've calculated out our Suburban debt and we are going to be free from that in December of this year.
I got introduced to LuLaRoe, and it is so amazing! I just got my first dress and it is fabulous. I have a complete Harry Potter outfit.
LuLaRoe is an amazing brand of clothing, I could go on and on about it.
About the birth control implant, I got it in February 4, 2016. It works amazingly, and I've lost a bit of weight.
I should be able to start posting once a week, as my college experience is getting better and better! I'm glad I'm in college, it will show our children that both mommy and daddy can have a college degree.
I got introduced to LuLaRoe, and it is so amazing! I just got my first dress and it is fabulous. I have a complete Harry Potter outfit.
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As I said, Harry Potter Outfit! |
About the birth control implant, I got it in February 4, 2016. It works amazingly, and I've lost a bit of weight.
I should be able to start posting once a week, as my college experience is getting better and better! I'm glad I'm in college, it will show our children that both mommy and daddy can have a college degree.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Welcoming the New Year With Family
My out of town family went back to their homes, so it was just my husband, myself, his bio father, and my in-laws. My other sister and brother in law never answered their phones. We had Ham, Potato Salad, and Fruit Salad. We had our first snowfall and so we had a snow kiss.
And boy was it a knee popping kiss. I love that we got to do a "New Year's" kiss.
I love that we get to start off the New Year hand in hand for the rest of eternity. I also love that we are going to do something this year that another couple was able to do. I will announce it when we are done with it.
And boy was it a knee popping kiss. I love that we got to do a "New Year's" kiss.
I love that we get to start off the New Year hand in hand for the rest of eternity. I also love that we are going to do something this year that another couple was able to do. I will announce it when we are done with it.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Miller Christmas
We had 5 of the 6 kids in Missouri for Christmas. Out of the 5 kids, 3 had spouses, and two were for eternity. I loved meeting my brother-in-law from Arizona. He is awesome, and I can't wait to see him again. At Christmas we got a NuWave blender, popcorn and a popcorn maker, clothes, dvd/vhs player, and some bath stuff.
When we got done getting and giving presents we ate dinner. There was Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, jello with fruit, 2 apple, 2 pumpkin, and 1 mincemeat pie, and corn. It was good and I'm glad that my mother-in-law made it and that we were able to sit down and all eat together.
Rob had a three day weekend so we got extra time and we were held up in flooding. If you didn't experience the flooding you are lucky. I'm glad we had a three day weekend because if we hadn't we would've been caught out in the storm.
On Saturday we went to Miller's grill and my brother-in-law drew a fiesty. It was totally hilarious. They had always been talking about fiesty's and he drew it. I loved spending time with the family but I couldn't enjoy dinner as I was super sick.
Overall we had an awesome Christmas! I loved it and we got each other Wedding Bands that we opened a few days beforehand.
When we got done getting and giving presents we ate dinner. There was Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, jello with fruit, 2 apple, 2 pumpkin, and 1 mincemeat pie, and corn. It was good and I'm glad that my mother-in-law made it and that we were able to sit down and all eat together.
Rob had a three day weekend so we got extra time and we were held up in flooding. If you didn't experience the flooding you are lucky. I'm glad we had a three day weekend because if we hadn't we would've been caught out in the storm.
On Saturday we went to Miller's grill and my brother-in-law drew a fiesty. It was totally hilarious. They had always been talking about fiesty's and he drew it. I loved spending time with the family but I couldn't enjoy dinner as I was super sick.
Overall we had an awesome Christmas! I loved it and we got each other Wedding Bands that we opened a few days beforehand.
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